We’re seeking pictures that give you that Japanese feeling!
People, places, things, anything that makes you think, That’s Japan!…
テーマ 「これぞ日本!」
- 募集人数:外国人部門15名・日本人部門15名
- 応募締切:2018年7月11日(水)まで
- 応募先・お問い合わせ:メール info@kokusai-omura.com
TEL 0957-51-1048 大村市国際交流プラザ
Theme “Now That’s Japan!”
- Number of Participants:
Foreigners Residents 15 Photographers
Japanese Citizens 15 Photographers - Submission deadline: Wednesday, July 11
- Entry Contact Information:
E-mail info@kokusai-omura.com
TEL 0957-51-1048 Omura International Plaza
*For more information, please see the following flyer.